Eye of the Shoal – June 25
When not writing (or underwater), marine biologist Helen Scales teaches marine conservation at Cambridge University.

Dr. Helen Scales

Thanks to the thoughtfulness of Wonderfest supporters, this event has no admission charge. If you, too, would like to support Wonderfest, please use the "Tickets" box, below.

Eye of the Shoal – June 20, Marin
When not writing (or underwater), marine biologist Helen Scales teaches marine conservation at Cambridge University. [Note: Dr. Scales will present similar undersea insights on June 25th at this Wonderfest event in Redwood City.]

Dr. Helen Scales

Understanding Heredity – June 19
Carl Zimmer's journalistic "beat" is the science of life. He has written 13 books (including two biology textbooks), numerous essays (for The New York Times, Discover, National Geographic, and more), and he is an adjunct professor in Yale University's Department of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry.

Carl Zimmer

Strange Invaders – June 3
Our speaker, Dr. Vernard Lewis, is emeritus Cooperative Extension Specialist in UC Berkeley's Department of Environmental Sciences, Policy, and Management. He joined the Cal faculty in 1991, specializing in Urban Entomology, authoring or co-authoring more than 150 publications, and giving hundreds of lectures & presentations. Dr. Lewis was inducted into the Pest Control Hall of Fame in 2016.

Dr. Vernard Lewis

Quantum Questions
Quantum physics describes the realm of the very small with exquisite accuracy. However, quantum experiments can give such strange results that physicists often need to assume disparate "interpretations" of quantum physics in order to make sense of what they observe.
Amid this quantum uncertainty, it’s become fashionable for the names of everyday products and services to include the word "quantum." When is this valid, and when is "quantum" just a nonsense buzzword? From "quantum computing" to "quantum biology" to "quantum jumping", this presentation will put you in a super-position to tell the difference.
This event is FREE, but please consider a modest (or immodest!) contribution to nonprofit Wonderfest via the Eventbrite box, below.

Northern DeLights – May 19
Our speaker, physicist Laura Peticolas, is Scientist and Associate Director of Education & Outreach at Sonoma State University.

Dr. Laura Peticolas
Map: [http://goo.gl/maps/iRRFR]
- Vehicles can exit the Park until 10:30pm; after that, remaining vehicles may be cited.
- After sunset, vehicles lacking a dashboard Astro Program parking pass may be cited.
- Print a FREE Astro Program parking pass at this Eventbrite website.
Bring a flashlight and — even though mountaintop weather (above the fog) is often warmer than down at sea level — wear warm clothes in layers. If rain or wildfire threatens, call 415-455-5370 after 4pm on event day.

The Big One: Fact & Fiction – May 16
William Hawley is a seismologist and advanced PhD candidate in UC Berkeley's Department of Earth & Planetary Science. He is also a Wonderfest "Science Envoy," a compelling and well-trained science communicator.

William B. Hawley

Love Among the Neurons – May 6
Our speaker, Dr. Thomas Lewis, is Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCSF and Professor at USF's Fromm Institute. He is also co-author of the book A General Theory of Love.

The Truth About Animals – Apr 26
Oxford-educated Lucy Cooke is an award-winning documentary filmmaker who studied zoology and animal behavior with Richard Dawkins. This discussion of her most recent book, The Truth About Animals, will takes us on a global journey, exposing myths and misconceptions about the animal world.

Lucy Cooke
Map: [https://goo.gl/maps/t36DWXFjszS2]
Cognition & Romance – Apr23
Mariel Goddu is a doctoral candidate at UC Berkeley's Institute of Human Development, and Ryan York is a postdoctoral scholar in Stanford's Department of Neurobiology. Both Mariel and Ryan are Wonderfest Science Envoys.

Mariel Goddu & Ryan York
Global Warming – Apr22
Our Earth Day speaker, Dr. David Romps, holds the Goldman Distinguished Chair in the Physical Sciences at UC Berkeley. He is also Associate Professor of Earth & Planetary Science, and he directs the Berkeley Atmospheric Sciences Center.

Dr. David Romps
Multiple Universes?–Apr21
Our speaker, Dr. Alex Filippenko, is one of the world's most highly cited astronomers. He was the only person to serve on both teams that simultaneously discovered the Nobel-worthy accelerating expansion of the universe. Alex has been voted UC Berkeley's "Best Professor" a record nine times.

Alex Filippenko
Map: [http://goo.gl/maps/iRRFR]
PLEASE consider a contribution to Wonderfest (via the "Tickets" window, below) to support science popularization. We've never needed an appreciation of the FACTS — and of the beautiful mysteries — more!
Universal Biology? – Apr 8
Our speaker, Dr. Lynn Rothschild, is an astrobiologist and synthetic biologist at NASA Ames Research Center. She is also an adjunct professor at Brown University and at UC Santa Cruz.

Dr. Lynn Rothschild
Machine Learning
Our speaker, Peter Norvig, is Director of Research at Google. Before joining Google, he led NASA's Computational Sciences Division and co-authored the still-leading A.I. textbook.

Dr. Peter Norvig
Map: [https://goo.gl/maps/h6bMNQm5AHA2]
Free parking is available via the "Crossing/900" garage entrance, shown at center in the image below. To access the Rabbit Hole meeting room, enter Box via doors just to the right (when facing the garage entrance, as shown).
Thanks to the thoughtfulness of Wonderfest supporters, this event has no admission charge. If you, too, would like to support nonprofit Wonderfest, please use the "Tickets" box, below.
Why Study Apes? – Mar27
Alongside the Cameo Cinema's screening of the highly acclaimed Jane (99% Fresh at RottenTomatoes), Wonderfest presents UC Davis anthropologist Kelly Harcourt on "Why Study Apes?" Dr. Harcourt studied mountain gorillas (with, among others, Dian Fossey) in central and east Africa. Since 1989, she and her husband have produced numerous scientific and popular publications, including their 2007 book, Gorilla Society.

Dr. Kelly Stewart Harcourt
Is Anybody There?– Mar25
Dan Werthimer is chief scientist at the Berkeley SETI Research Center. He oversees both SETI@home and the new $100-million Breakthrough Listen project.

Dan Werthimer
Brain and Body Inquiry – Mar 15
- At 7:45pm, Dr. Gregory Tranah presents "I Got Rhythm!" – How circadian rhythms coordinate the brain and body to impact human health and aging. Dr. Tranah is Director of Precision Medicine at Sutter Health.
- At 8:30pm, Dr. Robert Siegel presents "Cows, Cannibals, and Crystals" – How prions, infectious agents unlike any others, cause disease. Dr. Siegel is Professor of Microbiology & Immunology at Stanford University.

Greg Tranah, PhD and Bob Siegel, MD PhD
Pleasure vs. Happiness – Feb 25
The Declaration of Independence proclaims our right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," but not to the pursuit of pleasure. What is the neurological difference between these two positive emotions of happiness and pleasure? Has society's exploitation of pleasure systematically weakened our grasp on happiness? What has caused the twin epidemics of these emotions' negative extremes: addiction (from too much pleasure) and depression (from too little happiness)?
Our speaker, Dr. Robert Lustig, is Professor Emeritus of pediatric endocrinology at UC San Francisco. His new book, The Hacking of the American Mind, explores the scientific, cultural, historic, economic, and social causes of our modern problem with pleasure.

Dr. Robert Lustig
This is event is FREE. But what value does this knowledge have FOR YOU? Please contribute to Wonderfest accordingly, ... and deduct it from your taxes. Help nonprofit Wonderfest to spread the scientific outlook via the "Tickets" box, below.
The Secret Life of Viruses – Feb 17
Viruses are infectious agents that exist in the twilight zone between the living and the non-living. Despite their tiny genomes and diminutive nature, viruses hold the power of life and death. They also contain remarkable molecular tools, some of which researchers have learned to harness to understand and control the fundamental powers of biology. Stanford's Bob Siegel will shine light on the basic structure and function of viruses. He'll also explore those features that distinguish viruses from the living organisms they commandeer.
Dr. Robert Siegel, MD PhD, is Professor of Microbiology & Immunology at Stanford University. He has won nearly a dozen awards for excellence in teaching.

Dr. Robert Siegel
This collaboration with the Alameda Free Library has no admission charge. But what value does this knowledge have FOR YOU? Please contribute to Wonderfest accordingly, ... and deduct it from your taxes. Help nonprofit Wonderfest to spread the scientific outlook via the "Tickets" box, below.
Dr. Pascal Lee will discuss progress made around the world — from the Arctic to Antarctica, from basement labs to the International Space Station — to achieve the first human voyage to Mars. He will explore the what, why, how, when, and who of our first journey to the Red Planet.

Dr. Pascal Lee
Map: [https://goo.gl/maps/h6bMNQm5AHA2]