Brain and Body Inquiry – Mar 15
Putting potent science into NightLife at the California Academy of Sciences, Wonderfest presents two scientists with deep insights into the brain-body connection:

Greg Tranah, PhD and Bob Siegel, MD PhD
- At 7:45pm, Dr. Gregory Tranah presents "I Got Rhythm!" – How circadian rhythms coordinate the brain and body to impact human health and aging. Dr. Tranah is Director of Precision Medicine at Sutter Health.
- At 8:30pm, Dr. Robert Siegel presents "Cows, Cannibals, and Crystals" – How prions, infectious agents unlike any others, cause disease. Dr. Siegel is Professor of Microbiology & Immunology at Stanford University.

Greg Tranah, PhD and Bob Siegel, MD PhD
WHAT: Brain and Body Inquiry
WHO: Greg Tranah, PhD and Bob Siegel, MD PhD
WHERE: California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park, SF
WHEN: 2018-03-15 — 7:45pm, Thursday, March 15, 2018
HOW: Click on the link, below, to purchase advance tickets for this March-15th NightLife at the Cal Academy website.