Eye of the Shoal – June 20, Marin
Earth, seventy percent covered by water, is home to a multitude of strange ocean creatures, and dominant among them are the fishes. There are giants that live for centuries and thumb-sized tiddlers that survive only weeks; they can be pancake-flat or inflatable balloons; they can shout with colors or hide in plain sight, cheat and dance, remember and say sorry; some rarely budge while others travel the globe restlessly. In discussion of her most-recent book, Eye of the Shoal, Dr. Helen Scales will provide A Fishwatcher's Guide to Life, the Oceans, and Everything.

Dr. Helen Scales
When not writing (or underwater), marine biologist Helen Scales teaches marine conservation at Cambridge University. [Note: Dr. Scales will present similar undersea insights on June 25th at this Wonderfest event in Redwood City.]

Dr. Helen Scales
WHAT: Eye of the Shoal: The Surprising Lives of Fishes (North Bay)
WHO: Dr. Helen Scales, Marine biologist and author [http://helenscales.com]
WHERE: Book Passage By-the-Bay, 100 Bay Street, Sausalito [https://www.bookpassage.com]
WHEN: 2018-06-20 — 6:00pm, Wednesday, June 20, 2018
HOW: This admission-free event is co-presented by Wonderfest and Book Passage. Please contribute, via the box below, to help Wonderfest spread the scientific outlook.