Dear Wonderfest friend,
Aieee! I’m going to shorten these newsletters. I’ll announce upcoming events earlier in each message, and I’ll keep extraneous comments to a minimum. If you miss the extra tidings, drop me a line at, and I’ll wax a bit more poetic just for you. 🙂
On Wednesday, March 18, Wonderfest presents
Love in the Time of Facebook with data scientist Carlos Diuk, smiling face pictured below. Dr. Diuk and his colleagues have studied the Facebook timeline posts of people who change their relationship status from “Single” to “In a relationship.” This anonymized and analyzed information tells us much about the start of love, its stages, and its occasional demise.
Please note that Wonderfest—in collaboration with
Ask a Scientist—will be invading a brand new venue for this special event: Patreon headquarters, 230 – 9th Street in San Francisco.
Patreon is a young, high-minded company that facilitates recurrent crowd-funding (patronage) of society’s creative souls: musicians, writers, graphic artists, … even science popularizers!
It’s true. Thanks to Patreon, some 65 Wonderfest “patrons” are now making monthly tax-deductible donations that help keep the
Bay Area Beacon of Science afloat. Would you like to take part in this enterprising form of Wonderfest “membership”? For as little as $1 per month, through Patreon, you can
join us in promoting the scientific outlook.
You can also support the cause by simply attending next week’s
Love in the Time of Facebook; the admission charge of $5 goes entirely to Wonderfest. Since only 100 seats are available, prompt action is advised. Consider the benefits: you will learn what “big data” reveals about modern romance; you will enjoy
complimentary snacks and drinks (courtesy of Patreon); and you will contribute to the brightness of Wonderfest, your favorite local
beacon of science.
Wondrous regards,
Tucker Hiatt
Wonderfest Founding Director