Home DNA Testing – Apr 29
Now that nearly 40 million people have had DNA tests, we’ve reached a tipping point. Virtually all Americans are affected — tested or not — and millions have been impacted by significant revelations in their immediate families. Libby Copeland’s new book, The Lost Family: How DNA Testing Is Upending Who We Are, explores the science, the ethics, and the cultural transformations that this intimate self-knowledge allows.
Libby Copeland has written for the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Atlantic, and New York magazine, among other media. During this Berkeley Public Library event, she will be interviewed by Madison Lehmer, graduate student in UC Berkeley’s department of Cell and Molecular Biology.

Libby Copeland
Berkeley Public Library [https://www.berkeleypubliclibrary.org/events/lost-family-libby-copeland-author’s-event-and-qa]
Wonderfest co-presents this free event with the Berkeley Public Library. Please pre-register at the link below.