Our memory bridges past and present. When coupled with experience, memory also helps us plan for the future. Modern psychology, neuroscience, and AI allow us to understand the mechanisms of memory AND the fallibility of memory. Stanford's Anthony Wagner will show how quantifying “neural time travel” reveals the correspondence between brain states and states of mind.
Dr. Anthony Wagner is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Stanford Memory Laboratory. He also co-directs the Stanford Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging.
Dr. Anthony Wagner
WHAT: Neural Time Travel: Projecting to the Past & Future
WHO: Dr. Anthony Wagner, Professor of Psychology, Stanford University
WHEN: 2017-11-20 — 7:30pm, Monday, November 20, 2017
HOW: What is this FREE experience worth to you? Please contribute to Wonderfest accordingly, ... and deduct it from your taxes. Help nonprofit Wonderfest to enlarge the concept of scientific community via the "Tickets" box, below.
Experts estimate that some 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) insects crawl, burrow, swim, and fly on Earth. Roughly 80% of all the world's species are members of the class Insecta! Our speaker, entomologist Vernard Lewis, will present the latest research on the biology, detection, and control of three particularly villainous house guests: ants, termites, and bedbugs.
Dr. Vernard Lewis is emeritus Cooperative Extension Specialist in UC Berkeley's Department of Environmental Sciences, Policy, and Management. He joined the Cal faculty in 1991, specializing in Urban Entomology, authoring or co-authoring more than 150 publications, and giving hundreds of lectures & presentations. Dr. Lewis was inducted into the Pest Control Hall of Fame in 2016.
Dr. Vernard Lewis
WHAT: Insects: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
WHO: Dr. Vernard Lewis, Emeritus Entomology Specialist, UC Berkeley
WHEN: 2017-11-14 — 1:00pm, Tuesday, November 14, 2017
HOW: Co-produced by Wonderfest and the Marin JCC. Please register by calling 415-444-8000. For advance registration, receive a $5 discount on the already-modest $12 fee by proclaiming that you're a "friend of Wonderfest." (This may feel good for many reasons!)
The Declaration of Independence proclaims our right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," but not to the pursuit of pleasure. What is the neurological difference between these two positive emotions of happiness and pleasure? Has society's exploitation of pleasure systematically weakened our grasp on happiness? What has caused the twin epidemics of these emotions' negative extremes: addiction (from too much pleasure) and depression (from too little happiness)?
Our speaker, Dr. Robert Lustig, is professor of pediatric endocrinology at UC San Francisco. His new book, The Hacking of the American Mind, explores the scientific, cultural, historic, economic, and social causes of our modern problem with pleasure.
Dr. Robert Lustig
WHAT: Pleasure vs. Happiness: The Neuroscience & Sociology of Two Goods
WHO: Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor, UC San Francisco
WHEN: 2017-11-02 — 7:00pm, Thursday, November 2, 2017
This FREE event is presented in collaboration with BookShop West Portal. Please register with Eventbrite, below; and please consider purchasing Dr. Lustig's new book upon arrival at the BookShop.
If not scared for Halloween, would you like to be fooled? Understanding how and why we’re fooled is the beginning of wisdom. Wonderfest, in partnership with St. Helena's Cameo Cinema, presents experts in physics, psychology, and magic to help us avoid getting fooled, again. Our speakers/performers are:
Following the science presentation, stay for a special screening of 2006's The Illusionist with Edward Norton, Jessica Biel, and Paul Giamatti — rated 74% "FRESH" (conservatively!) at RottenTomatoes.
WHEN: 2017-10-29 — 2:00pm, Sunday, October 29, 2017
HOW: Purchase advance tickets ($15 adult, $8 student) via the link, below. This collaboration between Wonderfest and the Cameo Cinema is part of the Bay Area Science Festival AND part of the national Science on Screen enterprise.
Cosmologists have now come to a detailed understanding of what our Universe was like as a child (400,000 years after the Big Bang) and what it is like as an adult (13.8 billion years later). But what was our Universe like as a teenager, when the very first stars and galaxies formed? Our speaker, Dr. Adrian Liu, will describe current efforts to use radio telescopes to make pictures of the teenage Universe. He will present a “sneak preview” of breakthrough results that will enlighten and excite us in the next few years.
Adrian Liu is a Hubble Fellow in the Astronomy Department of the University of California, Berkeley. In August 2018, he will become Assistant Professor of Physics at McGill University and at the McGill Space Institute.
Dr. Adrian Liu
WHAT: Watching the Universe Grow Up — Oct28
WHO: Dr. Adrian Liu
WHERE: Cushing "Mountain" Amphitheater, Pan Toll Road at Ridgecrest Blvd, Mt. Tamalpais State Park Map: [http://goo.gl/maps/iRRFR]
WHEN: 2017-10-28 — 7:30pm, Saturday, October 28, 2017
HOW: This FREE event is part of the Bay Area Science Festival, and is presented by Wonderfest, the Friends of Mt. Tam, the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers, and Mount Tamalpais State Park. Optional sky tour and telescope viewing will follow. Bring a flashlight and — even though mountaintop weather (above the fog) is often warmer than down at sea level — wear warm clothes in layers. If rain or wildfire threatens, call 415-455-5370 after 4pm on event day.
PLEASE consider a contribution to Wonderfest (via the "Tickets" window, below) to support science popularization. We've never needed an appreciation of the FACTS — and of the beautiful mysteries — more!
Psychologists are discovering that unconscious motivators dominate human behavior. The pervasive influence of the unconscious mind affects every aspect of our lives: from when we blink (of course!) ... to whom we love, what we buy, and how we vote. Nevertheless, our fates are not sealed. These same psychologists can help us to lead better lives — where even the meaning of "better" becomes a more conscious decision.
Our speaker, John A. Bargh, directs Yale University's ACME (Automaticity in Cognition, Motivation, and Evaluation) Laboratory. Of Dr. Bargh's latest book, Before You Know It: The Unconscious Reasons We Do What We Do, Malcolm Gladwell writes: "[It] moves our understanding of the mysteries of human behavior one giant step forward. A brilliant and convincing book."
Dr. John Bargh
WHAT: The Unconscious Mind
WHO: Dr. John Bargh, Professor of Psychology, Yale University
WHEN: 2017-10-24 — 7:00pm, Tuesday, October 24, 2017
HOW: This FREE event is presented in collaboration with Bookshop West Portal. Please register with Eventbrite, below; and please consider purchasing Dr. Bargh's new book upon arrival at the Bookshop.
How many civilizations capable of interstellar communication exist in our Milky Way galaxy? We know of just one, of course, namely us (barely!). The Drake Equation famously "quantifies our ignorance" regarding the number, N, of such advanced civilizations in the Galaxy. The task of estimating N, via the Drake Equation, is an honored exercise for scientists who conduct the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (SETI).
Planetary scientist Pascal Lee, of the SETI Institute and the Mars Institute, argues that advanced civilizations may well be extremely rare. In fact, Dr. Lee estimates that N~1. Even though planets are plentiful in the Milky Way, and even though life as a natural product of chemical and biological evolution is likely common, the number of advanced civilizations in the Galaxy might be of order 1. Says Dr. Lee: "We might be it in the vastness of our galaxy, or there might be just one other..."
Dr. Pascal Lee
WHAT: N~1: Alone in the Milky Way
WHO: Dr. Pascal Lee, Planetary Scientist, Mars Institute and SETI Institute [http://www.pascallee.net]
WHEN: 2017-09-14 — 7:30pm, Thursday, September 14, 2017
This FREE event is co-presented by Wonderfest and the Bay Area Skeptics (BAS). Given venue limitations, please register with Eventbrite, below. All contributions (thank you!) will be shared equally between Wonderfest and BAS.
Astrobiology is the study of life in the universe. However, the only place in this vast cosmos that is known to host life is our own planet. But now, science has revealed that several planetary bodies in our solar system have the potential to host primitive forms of life. This talk will describe why and how NASA plans to search for life on Mars and the icy ocean moons of Jupiter and Saturn.
Our speaker, Dr. Carol Stoker, is staff planetary scientist at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View. She has led field experiments in the Arctic, the Antarctic, underwater, and in the deserts of the US southwest. Most recently, she has helped to develop robotic systems to search for life on other planets.
Dr. Carol Stoker
WHAT: The Search for Life Beyond Earth
WHO: Dr. Carol Stoker, Astrobiologist, NASA Ames Research Center
WHERE: Cushing "Mountain" Amphitheater, Ridgecrest Blvd., Mt. Tamalpais State Park Map: [http://goo.gl/maps/iRRFR]
WHEN: 2017-08-26 — 8:30pm, Saturday, August 26, 2017
HOW: This FREE event is presented by Wonderfest, the Friends of Mt. Tam, the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers, and Mount Tamalpais State Park. Optional sky tour and telescope viewing will follow. Bring a flashlight and — even though mountaintop weather (above the fog) is often warmer than down at sea level — wear warm clothes in layers. If rain or wildfire threatens, call 415-455-5370 after 4pm on event day.
PLEASE consider a contribution to Wonderfest (via the "Tickets" window, below) to support science popularization. We've never needed an appreciation of the FACTS — and of the mysteries — more!
In August 1997, Wonderfest presented its first science event: a public conversation between SETI pioneers Jill Tarter and Dan Werthimer. In August 2017, Wonderfest celebrates its 20th anniversary with dinner and deep insights at the Googleplex in Mountain View. This "by invitation only" event will feature three great Bay Area scientists answering the question, "What is the most wonderful feature of reality?"
UC Berkeley astronomer Alex Filippenko will answer: a rich universe.
Stanford chemist Richard Zare will answer: the origin of life.
Independent anthropologist Eugenie Scott will answer: creative Homo sapiens.
To attend this event, you must receive an invitation. Please read the "How" info in the gray box, below.
WHAT: Wonderfest's 20th Anniversary Dinner
WHO: Wonderfest Patrons AND Alex Filippenko, Eugenie Scott, Richard Zare
WHERE: Googleplex, Mountain View, — Location details provided upon invitation — (see "How," below)
WHEN: 2017-08-12 — 6:30pm, Saturday, August 12, 2017 (until 10pm)
HOW: To receive an email invitation for you and your guest, just become a NEW Wonderfest Patron at the "Planetary level" (or higher). Doing so will support science understanding in the Bay Area. It will also bring you the usual benefits of Planetary-level Wonderfest patronage along with the heady fun of our 20th Anniversary Celebration: a scrumptious buffet dinner (à la Google) and deep insights into three of the most wonderful features of reality. NEW "Planetary+ Patrons" (tax-deductible contributions of $5/month, or more) will receive these special invitations upon registration at the Patreon page, below.
At a time when science faces increasing criticism, Dawkins issues a passionate defense, insisting that reason and empirical evidence take center stage. With growing threats of irrationality and hostility, his plea for a return to reason couldn’t be more timely. Come hear more from the legendary biologist and provocateur as he challenges faulty logic, bad science, and climate change deniers.
WHAT: Richard Dawkins: Science in the Soul
WHO: Richard Dawkins, Emeritus Professor for Public Understanding of Science, Oxford
WHERE: Santa Clara Convention Center Theater, 5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara
WHEN: 2017-08-10 — 7:00pm, Thursday, August 10, 2017
HOW: Produced in collaboration with the Commonwealth Club Silicon Valley. For $10 ticket discount, use promo code WONDERFEST at the Commonwealth Club site, below.
Do you ever wish we could look back in time? We can, by studying the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which reveals the fiery early universe when it was only 0.003% of its present age. This presentation will show how studying the CMB allows us to learn about the origin, composition, and ultimate fate of the universe.
Dr. Blake Sherwin is NASA Einstein Postdoctoral Fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. He has also just earned the title of University Lecturer in Theoretical Cosmology at Cambridge University in England.
Dr. Blake Sherwin
WHAT: Seeing the Beginning: Insights from the Cosmic Microwave Background
WHO: Dr. Blake Sherwin, NASA Einstein Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
WHERE: Cushing "Mountain" Amphitheater, Ridgecrest Blvd., Mt. Tamalpais State Park Map: [http://goo.gl/maps/iRRFR]
WHEN: 2017-07-29 — 8:30pm, Saturday, July 29, 2017
HOW: This FREE event is presented by Wonderfest, the Friends of Mt. Tam, the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers, and Mount Tamalpais State Park. Optional sky tour and telescope viewing will follow. Bring a flashlight and — even though mountaintop weather (above the fog) is often warmer than down at sea level — wear warm clothes in layers. If bad weather threatens, call 415-455-5370 after 4pm on event day.
Galileo Galilei developed a new method for reliably comprehending the world — and the entire cosmos — around us. Accordingly, Galileo has been called the father of modern science. Astronomer Alan Agrawal will show us how Galileo's celestial observations dramatically changed our understanding of the universe and of our place in it.
Dr. Alan Agrawal is a physician who specializes in the treatment of autoimmune diseases in the field of rheumatology. He is also an avid amateur astronomer and independent historian on the development of the telescope.
Dr. Alan Agrawal
WHAT: Heavenly Vision: Galileo's Telescopes and Observations
WHO: Dr. Alan Agrawal, Mount Diablo Astronomical Society
WHERE: Cushing "Mountain" Amphitheater, Ridgecrest Blvd., Mt. Tamalpais State Park Map: [http://goo.gl/maps/iRRFR]
WHEN: 2017-07-01 — 8:30pm, Saturday, July 1, 2017
HOW: This FREE event is presented by Wonderfest, the Friends of Mt. Tam, the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers, and Mount Tamalpais State Park. Optional sky tour and telescope viewing will follow. Bring a flashlight and — even though mountaintop weather (above the fog) is often warmer than down at sea level — wear warm clothes in layers. If bad weather threatens, call 415-455-5370 after 4pm on event day.
As humanity begins its third decade of exoplanet observation, the science is maturing beyond individual discoveries to detailed characterization of the entire planetary population. No exploration has helped us learn more about exoplanets than NASA’s Kepler mission. While Kepler has shown that planets like Earth are common throughout the Milky Way Galaxy, we have also learned that nature produces a rich diversity of planetary compositions and orbital architectures—many of which do not resemble the Solar System in the slightest.
Our speaker, Caltech's Erik Petigura, will survey humanity's current understanding of exoplanet demographics. He will highlight how these discoveries help illuminate the processes that led to the formation of the Earth and to the origin of life. Finally, Dr. Petigura will offer some thoughts on the types of discoveries that may await us in the coming years.
Dr. Erik Petigura
WHAT: Exoplanets: Prevalence, Properties, and Architecture
WHO: Dr. Erik Petigura, California Institute of Technology
The University of Montreal's Lauren Weiss and Ohio State University's Marc Pinsonneault are NASA Kepler Mission Experts. Together, and separately, they have helped to discover many MANY worlds orbiting other stars.
In this Wonderfest dialogue, Dr. Weiss, a post-doctoral fellow, will talk about the sizes and compositions of the Kepler exoplanets. She will reveal the essentials of planetary discovery by helping audience members to build a model exoplanet system and observatory. Dr. Pinsonneault, Professor of Astronomy, will discuss what we are learning — from the very same sort of observatory — about sound(!) waves generated within stars, and what those sound waves can teach us about the host stars of exoplanets.
Lauren Weiss & Marc Pinsonneault
WHAT: Music of the Spheres: Exoplanets and Stellar Vibrations
WHO: Lauren Weiss & Marc Pinsonneault, Researchers, NASA Ames Research Center
WHEN: 2017-06-22 — 7:30pm, Thursday, June 22, 2017
With big thanks to Box, this FREE Wonderfest event is presented as part of NASA's Kepler Exoplanet Week. Kindly be sure to register below. Our venue, Box HQ in Redwood City, is convenient to public transportation. A multi-story parking garage lies adjacent to the Box building; parking there is free for the first 1.5 hours, $2.50/hr thereafter.
Since 2009, the NASA Kepler space telescope has found thousands of planets orbiting other stars, revolutionizing our understanding of planets and our own Earth. Among the planets discovered by Kepler are a few rare jewels: Earth-size planets with Earth-like temperatures. We’ll explore these worlds, how they were found, and how Kepler has sparked the exciting effort to find more Other Earths, and measure their atmospheres to find signs of life.
Our speaker, NASA's Steve Bryson, is a mathematical physicist at Ames Research Center in Mountain View. His work as part of the Kepler Mission Team contributed to the discovery of MANY new worlds orbiting other stars. Dr. Bryson lives in Marin, and he occasionally teaches adult-education classes at the California Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Steve Bryson
WHAT: Planets Everywhere: Kepler's Legacy and the Search for Other Earths
WHO: Dr. Steve Bryson, Researcher, NASA Ames Research Center
The scientific exploration of our origins began in earnest with Copernicus, Galileo, and Darwin. Now, our rich cosmic understanding is detailed and well-tested; it even has far-reaching implications for other aspects of people’s lives, including philosophy, religion, and politics.
Speaker Eliot Quataert is Professor of Physics & Astronomy and Director of the Center for Theoretical Astrophysics at UC Berkeley. Dr. Quataert will summarize our modern understanding of cosmic origins — from the Big Bang to exoplanets (and even to humans). He will describe how the universe evolved from its smooth beginnings to its current state, emphasizing how gravity reigns supreme and builds up the galaxies, stars, and planets required for the marvel of biological evolution.
Dr. Eliot Quataert
WHAT: How the Universe Evolved from Smooth to Lumpy
WHO: Dr. Eliot Quataert, Professor of Astronomy & Physics, UC Berkeley
WHEN: 2017-06-14 — 1:00pm, Wednesday, June 14, 2017
HOW: Co-produced by Wonderfest and the Marin JCC. Please register by calling 415-444-8000. To receive a $5 discount on the already-modest $10 registration fee, just proclaim that you're a "friend of Wonderfest." (This may feel good for many reasons!)
Much of what we think we know about space comes from film and television, but Hollywood's job is more often to entertain than to educate. In this fun, informative, and FREE presentation, Prof. Thomas Targett of Sonoma State University will sort fact from fiction, taking a tour through the worlds of Star Trek, Star Wars, and much more. Dr. Thomas Targett
WHAT: Popular Myths of Astronomy
WHO: Dr. Thomas Targett, Asst. Professor of Astronomy & Physics, CSU Sonoma
WHERE: Cushing Memorial Amphitheater, Ridgecrest Blvd., Mt. Tamalpais State Park Map: [http://goo.gl/maps/iRRFR]
WHEN: 2017-05-27 — 8:30pm, Saturday, May 27, 2017
HOW: This FREE event is presented by Wonderfest, the Friends of Mt. Tam, the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers, and Mount Tamalpais State Park. Optional sky tour and telescope viewing will follow. Bring a flashlight and — even though mountaintop weather (above the fog) is often warmer than down at sea level — wear warm clothes in layers. If bad weather threatens, call 415-455-5370 after 4pm on event day.
If mind is "what the brain does," how does the brain do it? And how are other parts of the body involved in creating mind? Wonderfest presents two neuroscientists with deep insights into the mind-body connection:
At 7:30pm, Elissa Epel, presents "A Sweet Story: Stress, Eating, and Mindfulness." Dr. Epel is Professor of Psychiatry and Director of UCSF's Aging, Metabolism, and Emotions Lab.
At 8:30pm, Howard Fields presents "How the Brain Creates a Virtual Mind-Body Experience." Dr. Fields is Professor of Neurology and Director of UCSF's Wheeler Center for the Neurobiology of Addiction.
Please join in this special Wonderfest contribution to Brain & Body NightLife at the California Academy of Sciences by purchasing tickets via the Cal Academy link below. [Note: The full NightLife experience begins at 6:00pm; only adults 21+ are admitted.] Elissa Epel & Howard Fields
A total solar eclipse, when the Moon fully covers the bright disk of the Sun and reveals the breathtaking solar corona, is one of nature’s most magnificent spectacles; it's truly an awe-inspiring experience that moves some people to tears. On August 21, 2017, for the first time in 38 years, the very narrow path of a total solar eclipse falls on the continental United States. Come learn about total solar eclipses and how to view this one!
Speaker Alex Filippenko is one of the world's most highly cited astronomers, and was voted UC Berkeley's "Best Professor" a record nine times. He appears frequently on TV documentaries and is addicted to observing total solar eclipses throughout the globe, having seen 15 so far!
Alex Filippenko
WHAT: The Glorious All-American Total Solar Eclipse of August 2017
WHO: Alex Filippenko, Professor of Astronomy, UC Berkeley
WHERE: Cushing Memorial Amphitheater, Ridgecrest Blvd., Mt. Tamalpais State Park Map: [http://goo.gl/maps/iRRFR]
WHEN: 2017-04-29 8:30pm, Saturday, April 29, 2017 -- Astronomy Day!
COLLABORATORS: Friends of Mt. Tam San Francisco Amateur Astronomers Mount Tamalpais State Park
HOW: This FREE event is presented by Wonderfest, the Friends of Mt. Tam, the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers, and Mount Tamalpais State Park. Optional sky tour and telescope viewing will follow. Bring a flashlight and — even though mountaintop weather (above the fog) is often warmer than down at sea level — wear warm clothes in layers. If bad weather threatens, call 415-455-5370 after 4pm on event day.
NASA's Kepler mission has determined that hospitable planets — just in our Milky Way Galaxy — number in the billions! Can we really be alone in this marvelous universe?
The Breakthrough Prize Foundation has committed $100 Million to UC Berkeley and other institutions for the most comprehensive Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) ever conducted. Chief Scientist of Berkeley SETI, Dan Werthimer, will describe the rationale for past and future searches, and will show how new technologies are revolutionizing SETI.
Dan Werthimer
WHAT: IS ANYBODY OUT THERE? The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
WHO: Dan Werthimer, Chief Scientist, Berkeley SETI