Cosmic Gold & Neutron Stars – Jan 7
Scientists have recently developed an entirely new way to “see” the universe: using gravitational waves predicted by Einstein nearly a century ago. These waves can teach us about some of the most exotic objects known, including black holes and neutron stars. Remarkably, they have also helped solve a longstanding puzzle about where in the universe some of the elements we know and love here on Earth are produced, including gold, platinum, uranium, and even californium!

Eliot Quataert
Astronomer Eliot Quataert will describe the remarkable new results coming out of our first steps into the gravitational wave era of cosmic exploration. Dr. Quataert is Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Theoretical Astrophysics Center at UC Berkeley.

Eliot Quataert
WHAT: COSMIC GOLD: Neutron Star Mergers, Gravitational Waves, & the Origin of the Heavy Elements
WHO: Eliot Quataert, Professor of Astronomy, UC Berkeley
WHERE: Hopmonk Tavern (at Vintage Oaks), 224 Vintage Way, Novato, CA 94945 []
WHEN: 2018-01-07 — 7:00pm, Sunday, January 7, 2018
HOW: This is event is FREE. But what value does this knowledge have FOR YOU? Please contribute to Wonderfest accordingly, ... and deduct it from your taxes. Help nonprofit Wonderfest to spread the scientific outlook via the "Tickets" box, below.