Mind-Body Inquiry, May11
- At 7:30pm, Elissa Epel, presents "A Sweet Story: Stress, Eating, and Mindfulness." Dr. Epel is Professor of Psychiatry and Director of UCSF's Aging, Metabolism, and Emotions Lab.
- At 8:30pm, Howard Fields presents "How the Brain Creates a Virtual Mind-Body Experience." Dr. Fields is Professor of Neurology and Director of UCSF's Wheeler Center for the Neurobiology of Addiction.

Elissa Epel & Howard Fields

US Solar Eclipse of August ’17
Speaker Alex Filippenko is one of the world's most highly cited astronomers, and was voted UC Berkeley's "Best Professor" a record nine times. He appears frequently on TV documentaries and is addicted to observing total solar eclipses throughout the globe, having seen 15 so far!

Alex Filippenko
Map: [http://goo.gl/maps/iRRFR]
Friends of Mt. Tam
San Francisco Amateur Astronomers
Mount Tamalpais State Park

Is Anybody Out There? – Apr24
The Breakthrough Prize Foundation has committed $100 Million to UC Berkeley and other institutions for the most comprehensive Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) ever conducted. Chief Scientist of Berkeley SETI, Dan Werthimer, will describe the rationale for past and future searches, and will show how new technologies are revolutionizing SETI.

Dan Werthimer

March For Science
Wonderfest joins the March For Science - San Francisco in support of science funding, science communication, and the clear-eyed, optimistic, scientific outlook. As the international (400+ communities, globally!) mission statement proclaims, "We unite as a diverse, nonpartisan group [asking] ... political leaders to enact evidence-based policies in the public interest."
For this inspiring and historic Earth Day celebration of science, join the friends of Wonderfest under the sign bearing the Wonderfest eyeball emblem. The march and rally begin at Justin Herman Plaza and end — with a fair! — at Civic Center Plaza.

Please register via the Eventbrite link, below, to help organizers estimate attendance and provide a safe, comfortable, and memorable experience.

Exploring Mars: the Next 100yrs
MARS BECKONS. In remembrance of the dawn of human spaceflight, and in anticipation of coming interplanetary exploration, Wonderfest joins the California Academy of Science to celebrate Yuri's Night 2017. We present two science visionaries who understand the promise and excitement of space exploration:
- At 7:30pm, The SETI Insititute's Pascal Lee, co-founder of the Mars Institute, presents Mission to Mars: The First Human Journeys to the Red Planet.
- At 8:30pm, NASA Planetary Scientist Chris McKay looks even further ahead with The Long View of Mars: Biology, Humans, and Terraforming.
Please join in this special Wonderfest contribution to Yuri's NightLife by purchasing tickets via the Cal Academy link below. [Note: adults 21+ only.]

Magic vs. Quantum Entanglement
Entanglement phenomena are the closest thing we have to reproducible magic, and even physicists can't agree as to what’s really going on. Is it spooky action at a distance, or retrocausality, or super-determinism of our choices? And what is a good skeptic to do when every explanatory option seems unacceptable — when nature forces us to train skepticism inward, towards our strongest intuitions? (General audiences welcome!)
Speaker Ken Wharton is Professor of Physics at San José State University. Dr. Wharton works to reconcile the two grandest physics theories (quantum mechanics and general relativity), and he is the author of popular, scientifically-accurate fiction.

Ken Wharton
Map: [https://goo.gl/maps/ksuVfScTBK92]
This FREE event is produced with the help of Splunk, Inc. Please REGISTER with Eventbrite via the box below.

Creating Worlds – Mar 28
Following a special screening of the highly-praised Secret World of Arrietty (2012), physicist Alejandro Garcia will describe — and answer questions about — the science behind effective animation. Dr. Garcia is Professor of Physics & Astronomy at San José State University where he teaches a course in The Physics of Animation. He has helped DreamWorks Studios to get the physics right in such movies as Trolls, Madagascar 3, and Mr. Peabody and Sherman.

Alejandro Garcia
Map: [https://goo.gl/maps/dSvPGuW3HB72]

Hunting Asteroids – Mar 21
Dr. Carrie Nugent discovers and tracks asteroids with a space-based infrared telescope, part of NASA’s NEOWISE mission. She is a 2016 TED fellow, and she hosts and produces Spacepod, a podcast about space exploration. Asteroid 8801 Nugent bears her name(!), and Asteroid Hunters is her first book.

Carrie Nugent

Mapping the Heavens – Mar 8
Dr. Priya Natarajan is Professor of Physics and Professor of Astronomy at Yale University. She is particularly noted for her work in mapping dark matter, in gravitational lensing, and in the growth of supermassive black holes. She is a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and of the American Physical Society.

Priya Natarajan
The Parent as Gardener
Caring deeply about our children is part of what makes us human. Yet the thing we call “parenting” is a surprisingly new invention. In the past thirty years, “parenting” has transformed child care into an obsessive, controlling, and goal-oriented effort to create a particular kind of child. Drawing on the study of human evolution and her own cutting-edge research, developmental psychologist and philosopher Alison Gopnik shatters key myths of “good parenting.” Interviewing Dr. Gopnik will be Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of How to Raise an Adult.
Alison Gopnik is Professor of Psychology and Affiliate Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley. She is an internationally recognized leader in the study of children’s learning and development and was the first to argue that children’s minds could help us understand deep philosophical questions.

Dr. Alison Gopnik
Map: [https://goo.gl/maps/d6KcAS4D5oP2]
Co-produced with the Commonwealth Club Silicon Valley. Purchase DISCOUNT tickets with promo code WONDERFEST via the Eventbrite link, below.
Why Time Flies – Feb 9
Alan Burdick is a staff writer and former senior editor at The New Yorker; he is also a frequent contributor to Elements, the magazine's science-and-tech blog. His writing has also appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Discover, and Best American Science and Nature Writing. His first book, Out of Eden: An Odyssey of Ecological Invasion, was a National Book Award finalist and won the Overseas Press Club Award for environmental reporting. [Photo by Laura Rose]

Alan Burdick
Map: [https://goo.gl/maps/qzvh6Xhzg3k]
A Most Improbable Journey – Jan 24
Walter Alvarez is Professor of the Graduate School and Professor of Earth & Planetary Science at UC Berkeley. He is perhaps best know for attributing the Cretaceous-ending mass extinction to the impact of a giant asteroid or comet — later verified by discovery of the largest impact crater on Earth.

Walter Alvarez
Science of Living Younger – Jan 11
Elizabeth Blackburn is president of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine. Elissa Epel is founding director of UCSF's Center on Obesity Assessment, Study, and Treatment. Their discussion will be moderated by syndicated talk-show host Angie Coiro.
Healthy Aging – Jan 10

Dr. Gregory Tranah
Map: [http://bit.ly/1X1hJTf]