Consciousness & Physics – May ??

When philosopher Thomas Nagel asked, “What is it like to be a bat?”, he was not asking about what it’s like for a human to be a bat — not the experience of, say, Batman. Nagel was vivifying the so-called “hard problem of consciousness”: What is it like for a bat to be a bat? More broadly, what is the nature of a bat’s — or of anysubjective experience? How does brain activity (from a third-person objective point of view) become a first-person feeling (from a subjective point of view)? Perhaps the “relativity” principles of Galileo and Einstein can help us understand this seemingly profound distinction between the first-person point of view (my experience) and the third-person point of view (another’s brain activity) as recognized by neuroscience.

Our speaker, physicist Nir Lahav, is a postdoctoral researcher in the Consciousness and Cognition Lab at Cambridge University. Dr. Lahav has developed what he and philosopher Zachariah Neemeh call A Relativistic Theory of Consciousness.

Dr. Nir Lahav

WHAT: Consciousness and Physics
WHO: Dr. Nir Lahav, Postdoctoral Researcher, Cambridge University []
WHEN: TBD TBD (1.5 hr)
HOW: This event is free and unticketed ... and valuable. But what value does it have FOR YOU (and, indirectly, for society)? Accordingly, please use the DONATE button (below) to support Wonderfest in its nonprofit mission to share the scientific outlook.