CRISPR Crops – June 22
Gene editing is revolutionizing agriculture by changing how we design, produce, and consume food. But how is this technology being used, and what does this mean for farmers, consumers, and society at large? We'll take a holistic journey through the history of plant breeding to understand how this cutting-edge technology — and CRISPR gene editing, in particular — is being used to meet the needs of a growing human population and a warming world.
Our speaker, Evan Groover, is a PhD candidate and researcher in UC Berkeley's Department of Plant & Microbial Biology. He is also a Wonderfest Science Envoy. Evan will answer qustions during the video premiere via the YouTube "chat" bar AND, afterward, via live Zoom seminar.

Evan Groover
8:00pm — Click this YouTube video "Premiere" link: <>.
8:45pm — Click this Zoom meeting link: <>.