Finding the Wild – May 23

Naturalist Craig Foster has explored and studied some of Earth's wildest environments. He has also experienced the demands of professional life in our big cities — experiences that might tend to deaden a capacity to appreciate natural beauty. Foster's latest book, Amphibious Soul: Finding the Wild in a Tame World, vividly addresses the challenge of staying open to the wonders of nature. Of the book, Jane Goodall wrote, "[It] will transform how we think about being human ... [and] inspire hope." In this Commonwealth Club conversation, Foster will help us understand how to attend to earthly beauty and deepen our love for all living things.

Craig Foster is one of Earth's leading nature filmmakers. Foster's My Octopus Teacher won the 2021 Academy Award for Best Documentary. We can participate in this Commonwealth+Wonderfest event either in person or online.

Craig Foster

WHAT: Finding the Wild in a Tame World
WHO: Craig Foster, Naturalist and Co-Founder of the Sea Change Project []
WHERE: The Commonwealth Club, 110 The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 94105 []
WHEN: 2024-05-23 — 6pm, Thursday, May 23 (1 hour)

Visit the Commonwealth Club event webpage (link below) for info about the two types of tickets: in-person and online. During the final steps of ticket acquisition, use code WONDERFESTPROMO for a $10 discount. (That price reduction renders the online ticket entirely FREE.)