Science of Happiness – Mar 28
What does it mean to be happy, and what can one do to be happier? Scientific research is yielding a heartwarming picture: Happiness is linked to feelings and behaviors that are prosocial — that contribute to a greater good. Happy people routinely report having strong, supportive social connections; they find common humanity with others, and assume trust and good intent. Despite popular assumptions about competitiveness, self-reliance, and self-interest, evidence indicates that dedicated psychological systems (for nurturance, affiliation, and shared joy) incline humans toward cooperation and generosity. Increasing happiness, it seems, hinges largely on prioritizing interpersonal belonging and genuine kindness — both towards ourselves and other people.
Our speaker, Dr. Emiliana Simon-Thomas, is Science Director at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center. She is a leading expert on the neuroscience and psychology of prosocial skills that boslter human happiness.

Dr. Emiliana Simon-Thomas
This unticketed, admission-free, Wonderfest event will be COVID-free, as well, because we ask that attendees be masked (except when dining/drinking) and vaccinated. The warm feeling of Wondernaut(!) camaraderie radiates through masks and across wide seat-spacing. Please join us! And please consider donating to nonprofit Wonderfest in the Eventbrite space, below. (Ignore any mention of "tickets.")