Habitability & Life Beyond Earth – July 9
The last decade has seen a revolution in astrobiology — the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe. Insights returned by Solar System planetary missions, the Kepler mission, and multi-disciplinary research in terrestrial extreme environments have resulted in a new inclusive vision of habitability in the universe. In her presentation, Dr. Cabrol will discuss this scientific revolution. She will present the latest updates from current missions, the existing plans for new ones, and where we stand in our quest to comprehend habitability and to find life beyond Earth.

Dr. Nathalie Cabrol
Our speaker, SETI Institute astrobiolgist Nathalie Cabrol, is presented by: Wonderfest, the Mt. Tam Astronomy Program, Mt. Tamalpais State Park, The Friends of Mt. Tam, and the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers.

Dr. Nathalie Cabrol
WHAT: Habitability & Life Beyond Earth
WHO: Dr. Nathalie Cabrol, Astrobiologist, SETI Institute
WHERE: Cushing Memorial "Mountain" Amphitheater, Ridgecrest Blvd, Mt. Tamalpais State Park
Map: [http://goo.gl/maps/iRRFR]
Map: [http://goo.gl/maps/iRRFR]
WHEN: 2016-07-09 8:30pm, Saturday, July 9, 2016
HOW: Admission is FREE, but please register below. Bring a flashlight; and, just in case, wear warm clothes in layers. If bad weather threatens, call 415-455-5370 after 4pm. Hang around afterward for a laser-guided tour of the night sky AND for celestial viewing through the big telescopes of the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers (SFAA). This event is co-produced by Wonderfest, the Mount Tam Astronomy Program, Mt. Tamalpais State Park, Friends of Mt. Tam, and the SFAA.