Pills For Aging – Oct 24

How did society enable the distribution of drugs and supplements — principally in the form of pills — to billions of people? How, in particular, did “anti-aging treatments” come about? Can vitamins be efficacious against aging? Finally, what is the promise of recent supplements — developed based on our understanding of cellular biology — that influence aging in cells and model organisms, mainly mice?

Our speaker, Dr. Steve Cummings, is Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Epidemiology, and Biostatistics at UCSF. Dr. Cummings directs the San Francisco Coordinating Center, having designed and led many of the most important medical studies of human aging.


Dr. Steve Cummings

WHAT: Pills For Aging
WHO: Dr. Steve Cummings, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology, & Biostatistics, UCSF [https://sfcc.ucsf.edu/steven-r-cummings-md]
WHERE: HopMonk Tavern, 224 Vintage Way, Novato CA 94945 [https://www.hopmonk.com/novato]
WHEN: 2023-10-24 — 7pm, Tuesday, Oct 24 (1.5 hour)

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