This WonderCup trophy is presented to the top Bay Area high school science quiz & innovation team. Each winning team member also receives a high quality notebook or tablet computer. Members of the second place team each receive a cash scholarship. In all, five teams — twenty students — receive awards. |
WonderCup Challenge teams consist of two girls and two boys, with at least one 10th grader and one 11th grader among them, all from the same high school. Click the link below for access to all WonderCup Challenge details. And to prepare for the Challenge, study basic science like crazy! |
WonderCup Challenge Registration, Rules & Specifications Do not Click Here, yet.The fate of the 2012 WonderCup Challenge is uncertain.This is because the WonderCup Challenge has lost its funding (*sniff*) and must be postponed until funding is found. But take heart: Wonderfest is resourceful. We will do our best to bring the WonderCup Challenge back to life in the fall of 2012.In the mean time, stay curious! Keep studying science, enjoy Wonderfest public science productions (lectures, dialogues, online videos, etc.), and please check this page, again, in Semptember. |
WonderCup 2010 Champions
See the WonderCup Hall of Fame