Wonder of Mushrooms – Mar 30

Over 20,000(!) species of mushroom-forming fungi support the health and diversity of multiple ecosystems. Technically, what are mushrooms? How do they live, and what are some of the myriad ways they disperse, reproduce, and (even) communicate? Perhaps most important, how can we use mushrooms to help feed humanity and heal the biosphere?

Our speaker is Dr. Dennis Desjardin, Professor Emeritus of Biology at San Francisco State University, and Director Emeritus of SFSU’s Thiers Herbarium. As the author of California Mushrooms and Chief Mycologist for Sempera Organics, Inc., Dr. Desjardin is known as the “Mushroom Guru of the West Coast.” This event is co-presented by Wonderfest and the San Francisco Public Library.

Dr. Dennis Desjardin

WHAT: The Wonder of Mushrooms
WHO: Dr. Dennis Desjardin, Professor Emeritus of Biology, San Francisco State University [https://faculty.sfsu.edu/~ded/]
WHERE: SF Public Library, Main branch, Latino/Hispanic Rm, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 [https://sfpl.org]
WHEN: — Sunday, March 30, 3pm (1.5 hr)
San Francisco Public Library [https://sfpl.org/events/2025/03/30/presentation-wonder-mushrooms]
HOW: This event is free and unticketed ... and valuable. But what value does it have FOR YOU (and, indirectly, for society)? Accordingly, please use the DONATE button (below) to support Wonderfest in its nonprofit mission to share the scientific outlook.