Share the Night Sky – Oct 22

Join San Francisco's "Urban Astronomer" Paul Salazar and KPOO's DJ Marilynn for a VIRTUAL guided tour of the glorious night sky.

Just find a dark, unobstructed view of the sky, and tune into KPOO-FM (89.5 MHz) or visit <> with a smart phone. Then, look upward and let SF's Urban Astronomer guide you toward the setting Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn in the west, and then toward Mars, the Pleiades star cluster, and the Andromeda Galaxy in the east. (Folks stuck indoors or under clouds can participate "virtually" via a free astronomy app such as SkyView Lite.) Stargazing households congregating in backyards and socially-distanced strangers on sidewalks will feel united by the grandeur — and the wonder — of the night sky.

SF Urban Astronomer Paul Salazar w/ DJ Marilynn

WHAT: Share the Night Sky
WHO: SF Urban Astronomer Paul Salazar w/ DJ Marilynn []
WHERE: KPOO-FM (89.5 MHz) []
WHEN: 2020-10-22 — 8pm PDT, Thu, Oct 22 (1 hr)
Night Sky Network, administered by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific []
Mt Tam Astronomy Program []
San Francisco Amateur Astronomers []

From a dark location with a clear view of the sky, use a radio or Internet-ready phone to tune into the KPOO-FM broadcast (89.5 MHz) or live-stream (

This event is part of the Bay Area Science Festival. Big thanks to Andy Fraknoi, former Chair of the Foothill College Astronomy Department (and 1st recipient of Wonderfest's Sagan Prize!), for inspiration.