Secrets of the Sleeping Brain, Dec 12

 Secrets of the Sleeping Brain

We spend one third of our lives asleep, yet doctors and scientists still have no complete understanding as to why. It is one of the great scientific mysteries. Sleep researcher and UC Berkeley Professor, Matthew Walker, will describe new discoveries suggesting that sleep is a highly active process, essential for improving brain functions including learning, memory, creativity, and emotional regulation.


  • WHAT:  Secrets of the Sleeping Brain
  • WHO: Matthew A. Walker, Associate Professor of Psychology, UC Berkeley
  • WHEN: 8:00 PM, Friday, December 12, 2014 (with wine and light food reception at 7:00 PM)
  • WHERE:  Chabot Space & Science Center, 10000 Skyline Blvd., Oakland CA 94619
  • HOW:  Purchase tickets here: <>
  • WHY:  Because we’re curious creatures.

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Wonderfest works every day to promote the scientific outlook. For as little as $1/month, why not become a Wonderfest Patron? As the Medici family were patrons of popular art in old Italy, you can become a patron of popular science and rationality in the modern Bay Area. (And you’ll get that tax-deduction that the Medici never did!) Please become a regular supporter of Wonderfest, and help enlarge the concept of scientific community.

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