Extreme Life of the Sea
Some of Earth's most marvelous — and most alien — lifeforms reside in the ocean, where overfishing and climate change pose huge challenges. Marine scientist Dr. Stephen Palumbi will share deep insights and unforgettable stories about fragile aquatic ecosystems — from the icy arctic to boiling hydrothermal vents and on to the deepest undersea trenches.

Dr. Stephen R. Palumbi
Our speaker, Steve Palumbi, is one of the planet's leading marine scientists. He is Director of the Hopkins Marine Station and Professor of Marine Science at Stanford University. He'll be joined by his son, author Anthony Palumbi.

Dr. Stephen R. Palumbi
WHAT: Extreme Life of the Sea
WHO: Dr. Stephen R. Palumbi, Professor of Marine Science, Stanford
WHERE: Alameda Free Library, 1550 Oak Street, Alameda, CA 94501
WHEN: 2018-12-02 — 2:00pm, Sunday, December 2, 2018
HOW: This event has no admission fee. Still, please use the "Tickets" form, below, to support Wonderfest according to the value this experience has for you.