Bacteria and Biomass – July 28
Bacteria are among the strangest and most diverse creatures on the planet. They exist everywhere — virtually defining Earth's biosphere — and they are enormously influential. If we humans learn to "communicate" properly with bacteria, we can move much of our industrial-era petroleum economy to biomass energy, even with carbon-negative results for the atmosphere.
Or speaker, Dr. Sarah Richardson, is co-founder of MicroByer, a Bay Area bioengineering firm. She earned her PhD in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Dr. Sarah Richardson
WHAT: How to Win Friends and Influence Bacteria: The Science of Biomanufacturing
WHO: Dr. Sarah Richardson, Co-founder, MicroByre
WHERE: SF Public Library, Latino/Hispanic Rooms A&B, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco
WHEN: 2019-07-28 — 2:00pm, Sunday, July 28 (2 hr)
This event is produced by the San Francisco Public Library.