Physics vs. Time Travel
Everyone loves a good time travel story, but given what we know—and don’t know—about physics, is time travel in any way plausible? Using popular movies as a framework, Prof. Wharton will outline several distinct categories of consistent time travel stories, and discuss possible connections with actual physics.
- TITLE: Physics vs. Time Travel
- SPEAKER: Ken Wharton, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, San Jose State University
- WHEN: 6:30 pm check-in, 7:00 pm, Tuesday, August 20, 2013
- WHERE: The “Ballroom” in NASA Conference Center, Building 3, 500 Severyns Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94035
- HOW: In association with the Commomwealth Club of California
- WHY: Because we’re curious creatures
- ADMISSION: No charge; this event is FREE.
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