MISSION: MARS – Feb 21, East Bay
The first human mission to Mars will be our greatest adventure of the 21st-century. As with all expeditions, its success will depend on planning. The first steps are already under way: achieving longer spaceflight missions, planning for deep space journeys beyond the Moon, and exploring extreme terrestrial environments as Mars “analogs.”

Dr. Pascal Lee
Dr. Pascal Lee will discuss progress made around the world — from the Arctic to Antarctica, from basement labs to the International Space Station — to achieve the first human voyage to Mars. He will explore the what, why, how, when, and who of our first journey to the Red Planet.Dr. Lee will present a very similar talk in Marin on June 16th. Subscribe to the Wonderfest newsletter to receive timely details.

Dr. Pascal Lee
WHO: Dr. Pascal Lee, Planetary Scientist, Mars Institute & SETI Institute; Director, NASA Haughton-Mars Project, NASA Ames Research Center [https://www.seti.org/users/pascal-lee]
WHERE: Center for the Arts, Castro Valley, 19501 Redwood Rd, Castro Valley [http://www.cv.k12.ca.us/district/center-for-the-arts]
Map: [https://goo.gl/maps/DRcLSo2Z4qB2]
Map: [https://goo.gl/maps/DRcLSo2Z4qB2]
WHEN: 2018-02-21 — 7:00pm, Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Castro Valley Educational Foundation [http://cvef.org]
Castro Valley Science [http://cvscience.us]
Mars Institute [http://MarsInstitute.no]
SETI Institute [http://seti.org]
Castro Valley Educational Foundation [http://cvef.org]
Castro Valley Science [http://cvscience.us]
Mars Institute [http://MarsInstitute.no]
SETI Institute [http://seti.org]
HOW: The Center for the Arts is a 20 minute walk from the Castro Valley BART station or 5 min Lyft/Uber ride.
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