Advanced Astro Instruments – Sep 11

Ground-based telescopes have come a long way in recent decades. Today they can take advantage of adaptive optics systems that reduce the effect of atmospheric image distortion, and, also, of fast compact computers that allow small telescopes to reach the capability of large telescopes. The result is a lively community of citizen astronomers who (among other things) can detect exoplanets and help study the size, shape, and trajectory of near-Earth asteroids.

Our speaker, Dr. Franck Marchis, is Senior Planetary Astronomer at the SETI Institute’s Carl Sagan Center. He is also Chief Scientific Officer at Unistellar, maker of citizen scientist telescopes. This Zoom event is part of the 2021 Mount Tam Astronomy Program.

Dr. Franck Marchis

WHAT: Advanced Instrumentation in Optical Astronomy
WHO: Dr. Franck Marchis, Senior Planetary Astronomer, SETI Institute []
WHERE: ONLINE, via Zoom []
WHEN: 2021-09-11 — 7:30pm PDT, Sat, Sep 11 (1 hour)
Mount Tamalpais Astronomy Program []

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